Alberta Petroleum Storage Systems Contractor's Association


To join A.P.S.S.C.A., download the Membership Application Form and return it with a cheque to the following address:

A. P. S. S. C. A.
101 Bremnar Drive Unit 5
PO Box 37503
Sherwood Park, AB
T8H 0M7

Cost of membership is as follows:

Active Member: $200.00
Associate Member: $125.00

Active Members are contractors who conduct business (installation, maintenance and removal) in the tank and piping industry.

Associate Members are made up of interested and related businesses. (Examples are equipment suppliers and manufacturers, consultants, and government representatives).

Benefits of Membership:

A.P.S.S.C.A. Members: Provide a unified voice (lobby group) for Alberta contractors to become more involved in what is happening in the industry. We provide a forum for problem solving and discussion with other members of the tank and piping industry.

Annual Seminars and Trade Shows: Covid has affected our ability to provide seminars or trade shows but we hope to provide this service in the future.

Newsletters: Members are kept up-to-date on upcoming events, new product information and other areas of interest.