Apply to be a Member

Please fill in the following Member application to become a member of the A.P.S.S.C.A. – If approved, you will be emailed a link to an invoice payment to complete your membership.

Enter name as you wish to appear on APSSCA mailings.
Enter address as you wish to appear on APSSCA mailings.
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Membership Type(Required)

Active Member companies consist of independent business firms primarily engaged in the design, maintenance, installation, removal or testing of petroleum storage and delivery systems. Active members shall have voting privileges and shall occupy the Executive positions and a minimum of three of five seats on the Board of Directors. Active member companies shall maintain a place of business in the province of Alberta.

Associate Members shall be those who do not meet the criteria for Active Members, but are in a related business, or have an interest in the activities of the association. Associate membership shall not have voting privileges but may occupy a maximum of two seats on the Board of Directors. Examples of Associate Members would be equipment manufacturers and suppliers, subcontractors, consultants and petroleum marketers.

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